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The Polish Anti-Doping Laboratory (PLAD) is a state legal entity, operating under the regulations of The Anti-Doping Law.

Supervision of the Laboratory is performed by the minister responsible for health matters.

The Minister responsible for health matters shall, by means of an ordinance, grant the statute of the Laboratory, in which he determines its internal organization and the mode of work of its authorities, with a view to the efficient performance of the Laboratory's tasks.

The main task of the Laboratory is to analyze anti-doping samples of urine and/or blood in order to identify prohibited substances that are on the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) list of prohibited substances.

The Laboratory does not participate in the process of determining the responsibility of athletes, does not determine the origin of substances and does not manage the results of tests.

The laboratory does not possess personal data of athletes.

The Laboratory (PLAD) cooperates with POLADA, while it is a completely separate entity and performs completely different tasks. The Polish Anti-Doping Laboratory (PLAD) should not be identified with the Polish Anti-Doping Agency (POLADA), as they are separate and independent entities.

The Polish Anti-Doping Laboratory (previously the Department of the Anti-Doping Research of Sport Institute -PIB) has held the World Anti-Doping Agency WADA accreditation since November 2004, and is amongst 30 of such laboratories around the world. Whereas since March 10 1997, it has been accredited by the Polish Center for Accreditation (PCA).

The Polish Anti-Doping Laboratory operates both in Poland and internationally. It carries out a wide-ranging cooperation with organizations and entities as part of operational activities, which include:

  • analyzes for WADA signatories (including the Polish Anti-Doping Agency POLADA);
  • analyzes for organizations / entities that are not WADA signatories (including the Polish Equestrian Association PZJ);
  • clinical, toxicological and forensic analyzes (including the police, prosecutor's office, hospitals).

In addition to the analysis of anti-doping samples, the Laboratory supports the Athlete Passport Management Units (APMU) operating by the Laboratory.


Polish Anti-Doping Laboratory                                                    

Księcia Ziemowita 53 bud 4 street

03-885 Warsaw

Phone: 22 290 29 05 Fax: 22 290 29 04

e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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