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  1. gas chromatograph with NPD detector and quadrupole mass spectrometer - GC/NPD/MS
  2. gas chromatographs with quadrupole mass spectrometers - GC/MS
  3. gas chromatographs with quadrupole tandem mass spectrometers - GC/MS/MS
  4. liquid chromatograph with diode detector - LC/DAD
  5. liquid chromatographs with quadrupole tandem mass spectrometers - LC/MS/MS
  6. liquid chromatograph with high resolution orbitrap mass spectrometer - LC/Orbitrap
  7. gas chromatograph with combustion chamber and isotope mass spectrometer - GC/C/IRMS
  8. gas chromatograph with combustion chamber and isotope mass spectrometer and quadrupole mass spectrometer - GC/C/IRMS/MS
  9. preparative liquid chromatograph with UV / VIS detector - Prep-HPLC
  10. luminometer
  11. fluorometer
  12. absorbance reader
  13. hematological analyzer
  14. cytometer
  15. immunochemical analyzers
  16. radioimmunological reader
  17. luminescent image analyzer
  18. electrophoresis devices
  19. transfer devices
  20. immunodetection devices